Alpha Vantage provides realtime and historical financial market data through a set of powerful and developer-friendly data APIs.
Become familiar with Alpha Vantage, the data available, and the Python API. Get a free (student) API key and use it in your code.
Pick a company or two and get their stock market ticker names. (What is a stock market ticker name?)
Use the url (from the web site)
What data is available?
Pretty print the resulting JSON data.
Pick a stock/company and use the following URL
What data is available?
Pretty print the resulting JSON data.
Query hourly, daily, or weekly stock price and/or volume for a month or more. Source should be a company, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, or S&P 500. (More than one company?)
Plot the data using a Python plot package.
I suggest you use the pyplot or related modules.
matplotlib.pyplot (documentation and examples) (home) (documentation / code examples) (see demo code) (claim your Free API Key - student)
Intro to async Python | Writing a Web Crawler
Python Asyncio, Requests, Aiohttp | Make faster API Calls