Minimum Falling Path


A falling path starts with an element in the first row and chooses one that is directly below itself (same column) or diagonally left or right. This proceeds from the top row to the bottom row.

The minimum falling path minimizes the sum of the elements in the path.

The maximum falling path maximizes the sum of the elements in the path.

Project #1

Find the minimum falling path starting at a randomly selected cell in the top row.

Note: Using a seed will generate the same random values for testing.

Project #2

Create an interactive program to let a user to

Create a function that can do both minimum and maximum falling path's?

Project #3

Use a non-square (rectangular) grid. How about a grid with holes in it?

Project #4

Generate performance statistics for you algorithm.


Minimum Falling Path Sum (YouTube)
Minimum Falling Path Sum II (YouTube)