Python eBooks


There are many free eBooks available online. Some are PDF (or other) files you can download and others are web sites.

One or more of these eBooks may be used in the Python programming class.

Python Programming

Python Books
15 Free eBooks to Learn Python
19 Free Python eBooks

Python Cookbooks

Python Cookbook (online)
Python Cookbook Third Edition
ActiveState - Popular Python Recipes

Python Tips and Tricks

Python Programming/Tips and Tricks (Wikibooks)
30 Essential Python Tips and Tricks for Programmers
30 Python Language Features and Tricks You May Not Know About

Ubuntu/Linux eBook Reader

There are several free ones available on the web. Here is one. (Calibre)

5 Excellent eBook Reader Apps for Ubuntu
5 of the Best Ebook Readers for Linux Users
10 Neat Python Tricks Beginners Should Know
Python Tips and Tricks

Python Cheat Sheets

Python Cheat Sheet (pdf) (26 pages)
Python Cheat Sheet (pdf)
Python Crash Course - Cheat Sheets
Python For Beginners


Interactive Python

Some of My Free Kindle Books